Posts by Category


Memorizing the First 100 Perfect Squares

17 minute read

Whether you love Number Theory, math competitions, or just have an affinity for numbers, there are many reasons why you would want to familiarize with perfec...

Cistercian Numerals

2 minute read

A while ago, I came across this fascinating YouTube video by Numberphile about a number system called Cistercian Numerals. They were developed used by the Ci...

Doomsday Protocol — A Review

10 minute read

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself stuck within a barren wasteland. Apparently, he has time travelled to the year 2637, an...

Pinter Algebra Chapter 3 Summary

15 minute read

This is part of a series of summaries I am writing for Pinter’s A Book of Abstract Algebra. Chapter 3 is about groups. We will take the definition of binary ...

Pinter Algebra Chapter 2 Summary

11 minute read

This is part of a series of summaries I am writing for Pinter’s A Book of Abstract Algebra. Chapter 2 is about binary operations. When defining/verifying ope...

Basic Definitions in Group Theory

2 minute read

Over the past month, I have been reading the first chapter of Dummit and Foote’s Abstract Algebra on basic group theory. The following is a summary of my not...

The Principle of Induction in ZFC

2 minute read

I’ve always felt that the Principle of Induction was a little bit mysterious. Recently, I came across an explanation of PoI using ZFC Set Theory and Inductiv...

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Preliminary Ideas for a Rubik’s Cube Club

7 minute read

Speedcubing, the act of trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube or related twisty puzzles in the shortest amount of time possible, was a hobby that I picked up years ...

Algorithms in Speedcubing

3 minute read

Speedcubing seems impossible to those who don’t know the “secret,” and that secret is the algorithms. Memorizing algorithms is definitely a tedious part of s...

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Learning Traditional Chinese (Part 2)

7 minute read

In the last article, we discussed the formatting of the Master List and how it could be used to aid the study of Traditional Chinese characters, assuming fam...

Learning Traditional Chinese (Part 1)

8 minute read

As a Chinese speaker, I want to be able to understand as much Chinese as possible, whether that is on the internet, in books, or in any other written form. W...


1 minute read


Introduction to Zhuyin (Bopomofo)

14 minute read

Zhuyin (注音), also known as Bopomofo, is a Chinese transcription system that is capable of transcribing all the sounds of standard Mandarin Chinese, although ...

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Colemak Keyboard Layout Update

2 minute read

After a three weeks of trying out the Colemak layout, with 5-20 minutes of practice almost every day, I was able to reach 43 words per minute on monkeytype o...

Ideas on New Keyboard Layouts (Colemak)

4 minute read

I unintentionally dove into the rabbit hole of alternative keyboard layouts, where I learned about the history of the QWERTY layount. I found this to be inte...

Ideas for a Blog LaTeX Parser

4 minute read

After writing a few blog posts using LaTeX, I have gotten used to writing math in Kramdown and MathJax. However, since I plan to post more regular reviews/su...

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Freshman Winter English Project

2 minute read

Over the last two weeks, my English class accomplished a spectacular final project collectively. Inspired by the Annaresti spirit of collectivity from our cl...

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