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Cistercian Numerals

2 minute read

A while ago, I came across this fascinating YouTube video by Numberphile about a number system called Cistercian Numerals. They were developed used by the Ci...


1 minute read


Introduction to Zhuyin (Bopomofo)

14 minute read

Zhuyin (注音), also known as Bopomofo, is a Chinese transcription system that is capable of transcribing all the sounds of standard Mandarin Chinese, although ...

Doomsday Protocol — A Review

10 minute read

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself stuck within a barren wasteland. Apparently, he has time travelled to the year 2637, an...

Colemak Keyboard Layout Update

2 minute read

After a three weeks of trying out the Colemak layout, with 5-20 minutes of practice almost every day, I was able to reach 43 words per minute on monkeytype o...